Meet Momo, an absolute ray of sunshine
This is Momo, an absolute ray of sunshine, a whirlwind of smiles, a dead eye for finding good berries with an amazing work ethic.
What is one of your earliest memories?
When I was a child, I loved Chinese New Year because on that day I got pocket money from my parents and such a variety of foods.
What is one of your favourite foods?
All spicy food.
If you could pick one thing in the world you’d change, what would it be?
More of a peaceful world with no war. People can enjoy their life and do what they want.
What do you want to be doing in 5 years?
To be the owner of a business, maybe a restaurant, maybe a café. It’s my dream.
Do you think climate change is real?
Yes, it’s real.
What is one of the best presents you have ever given someone?
Give some money to my Mum. On my first job, I gave all my salary to Mum.
What is one of the best presents you have ever been given?
A watch.
What was your first job?
Selling Honda cars in Bangkok.
What is your favourite Tasmanian animal?
Wallabies — their shape is so cute and they way they walk.
What is it like working in the horticultural industry in Tasmania?
I really enjoy it — all my co-workers are kind and friendly and we have good chats.
What is something that you find annoying?
COVID and the Russian war makes everything more expensive. Prices have gone up and the cost of living is high.
What do you like to do with blueberries?
I love the taste and organic is good for your health, with no chemicals.