Please note: orders placed on our website are for pick-up at the farm (delivery can be arranged depending on location).

Meet our handyman, Marcus

Marcus packing blueberries

Marcus is our handyman around the farm, chief packer, mower, whipper snipperer, customer service officer…

What’s one of your earliest memories?
Moving to the city.

If you could pick one thing you’d change, what would it be?

What do you want to be doing in five years?
Maybe gain full-time employment to purchase a house.

Do you think climate change is real?

What’s the best present you’ve ever given someone?
A child.

What’s the best present you’ve been given?
A child.

What’s your favourite pizza?
Chicken, cheese, onion and BBQ sauce.

What was your first job?
Land management at Risdon Cove.

What’s your favourite Tasmanian animal?
Wedge-tailed eagle.

What’s it like working in the horticultural industry in Tasmania?

What’s something that you find annoying?
I can’t really say the best present is a child and then say the most annoying thing is a child, can I?

What do you like to do with blueberries?
Eat them.